The Reluctant Dragon Baby Weems Figurine by Vernon Kilns (c.1940's) - ID: decweems19006

The Reluctant Dragon Baby Weems Figurine by Vernon Kilns (c.1940's) - ID: decweems19006 Walt Disney



Art Type:


Image Size: 
6" x 4.5" x 3"
Price: $300.00
SKU: decweems19006

An original ceramic figurine inspired by the hilarious Disney Studios film, "The Reluctant Dragon" (1941). Featuring Baby Weems, a character from the films animated sequence of the same name, the adorable ceramic figurine was created by amazing ceramics manufacturer Vernon Kilns in 1941. Measuring 4.5"x3" and 6" tall, the figurine is in very good condition with a small scratch on the figures hair.

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